
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

saying it out loud

Not too long ago, I posted about wanting to be more intentional in 2010. I think about this phrase quite a bit every day. Unfortunately, I've come to realize that just thinking about it doesn't make it so. (If only.) Guess I need to put together some more concrete areas I need to focus on and come up with some steps to guage my progress.

So, in an effort to create some kind of accountabilty with my readers reader, I'm putting it out there and saying it out loud.

Things to be more intentional about in 2010:

Cooking - Menu Plan. Everyone's doing it - at least that's how it seems on the internet. For some reason, this is very daunting to me, but I'm not sure why. Probably because it's planning. Not something I'm terribly great at.

Household Maintenance - Create a "schedule" that will include daily/weekly tasks that need to be done. Then DO IT. (I could also add Organization - Figure It Out. I hate being so disorganized.)

Blogging - Do more than just "write posts in my head". Be devoted to spending time at the computer writing, rather than just reading everyone else's blogs.

Photography - Keep doing Project 360 - and miss less days (oops).

Spiritual Life - Figure out the best plan that speaks to me. Not what everyone else says I should be doing, but what I know helps me grow in my relationship with God. Something I heard at a conference several months ago: "Jesus never journaled.". It's not just something that lets me off the hook, but the point is - don't follow any man-created formula for your relationship with God, but find the thing that works to draw me closer to Him.

So, there's the start to my list. I know there's much more I could add to it, but for now, I think that's a good start.

What about you? Anything you know you need to take action on rather than just think about?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Project 365: 2010

I got a new (awesome) camera for Christmas from the Hubs. I have a lot to learn about using it, so to help me out, I'm attempting to do Project 365. This means I'm planning to take (at least) one picture a day every day during 2010. I'm sure I'll forget some days, but hopefully, I'll remember more often than not!

Anyway, I may not post every picture on the blog, but I do have a flickr stream where I'm uploading them, so they'll be documented somewhere. (I also hope that taking pictures of our days will inspire me to write more blog posts -- no promises though.)

While I'm here, I may as well post the ones I have so far, right? Why not?

January 1
January 1 2010

January 2
January 2 2010

January 3
January 3 2010

January 4
January 4 2010

January 5
January 5 2010

January 6
January 6 2010

January 7
January 7 2010

These are all untouched photos, by the way. Another goal for 2010 is to get into photo editing!

Friday, January 1, 2010


I've never been a big fan of making resolutions at the start of the new year. To me, resolutions are things you promise to do or not do which you focus on for a few weeks and then as soon as something gets in the way, you leave them by the wayside. Once you break your resolution, there doesn't seem to be any going back. At least that's how it's always been to me.

For some reason, though, I've been thinking about the start of 2010 for several weeks now... maybe even months. I feel a strong desire to affect change in my life in 2010. Not that my life isn't great and all, but I know there are things that I could focus more on (or less on) and do more of (or less of), that would make me a better person.

So, I've been making random lists of goals in my mind for awhile. Unfortunately, I haven't written them all down as they've come to me. But an overwhelming theme in all of these goals is to Be Intentional.

I want to Be Intentional in everything I do.
- parenting
- marriage
- friendships
- serving God
- loving & serving others

I am really going to try to focus on Being Intentional every day of 2010. To help me keep my focus, I decided to pick a "lifeverse" for 2010. I wanted to pick a scripture that I could think of daily that would remind me of what my overarching goal is for 2010. I actually found several.

As I type this, I've settled on the following:

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17

Some of the other scriptures that I'll use as supporting references are:

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" Colossians 3:23

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action" I Peter 1:13

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Romans 12:11

I'd love to have you join me in picking a "lifeverse" that is meaningful to you for 2010 - one that can inspire and challenge you. I'd love to walk this journey of change together. Please let me know in the comments if you're interested in joining me!

Happy 2010! I hope the year is full of Love, Peace, Joy, and Change! When you look at me a year from now, I hope you don't see the same person!

“This post included in Real Life’s Your Life Your Blog

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