
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas in pictures

This Christmas season was a lot of fun. Punkin really got into the whole Christmas season for really the first time. He wrote his first letter to Santa and left out cookies and water for Santa (yes, water - that's what he said Santa wanted). Though he didn't want to go to sleep on Christmas Eve (though, that's no different than any other night), he heard "Santa's sleighbells" during story time, which encouraged him to go to sleep with less trouble (along with the threat that Santa would pass by our house if he was still awake - hey, whatever it takes).

Decorating gingerbread house with Daddy:

Oh Christmas Tree:

The Stockings Were Hung:

Santa's Message to Punkin:

Merry Christmas Punkin!

Merry Christmas Papou!


Merry Christmas Great Grandma!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas. May you be surrounded by love, joy, and peace today and always.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

ketchup, catsup, catch-up

Wow, it's been a month and a half since I posted anything. I know I've never been a "regular" poster, but this is ridiculous.

Hopefully, over the next few days I can add some posts that provide more details on what's been going on here.

I still need to post some pictures of Punkin's new big boy room that I referenced a couple of months ago. He's enjoying it, though having him out of the crib definitely presents some challenges. Getting him to go to sleep easily has been a struggle, as he often has to "go potty" - like 3 or 4 times within a 20 minute period, but we're working on it.

Speaking of "going potty", Punkin is thisclose to being fully potty trained (knock on wood). He is a champ in big boy underwear all day long. Our biggest issue is going #2. He's not a fan of doing that on the potty. I'm not a fan of him doing that in his underwear. He's still wearing pull-ups at night, so thankfully, he occassionally chooses to wait until then to do #2. But he's definitely not as "regular" as before, I'm sure because he's holding it in. But recently we've had some success with #2 on the potty, so hopefully that will continue. You'd think Punkin figured out how to create world peace with the celebrations we have around here when he does #2 on the potty. Miraculously, Punkin is usually dry in the mornings too. I thought that would be our biggest potty training issue - I've heard stories of boys not being dry through the night until around 5! So, I'm very thankful that he's doing that so well (knock on wood).

Okay, now that you know more about Punkin's potty habits than you ever wanted to...

Punkin also started preschool in November. He goes 3 days a week, all day. Punkin was in daycare from about 4 months until about March of this year. At that time, we pulled him out and shared a sitter with another family who had 2 boys. That was a great time for Punkin and the other boys. They really became good friends. Unfortunately, that family is moving to Pennsylvania, so we had to find another solution. While the sitter was great in helping Punkin try new foods (that's a whole other post), I also think it was a good time to find something with more structure and more learning opportunities. I was blessed to come across Primrose Schools. I was not aware of them previously, but I can't say enough good things about them. If you're considering a full-day option for your kids, I would highly recommend them. When I picked up Punkin after his first day, I asked him what his favorite thing was. He said, "EVERYTHING!" and proceeded to tell that to everyone we walked by. He's done some cute crafts as well.

Here's a picture of one of my favorites.

It was done around Thanksgiving. It's a turkey made from an apple, fruit loops, orange slices, and marshmallows. So creative and so cute.

So, anyway, I'm sure there's a million other things I've left out (like how Punkin got the flu after 1 week of preschool), but my brain can't think of anything else right now. My hope is that I will do a much better job of updating this blog. Because I kinda miss it.

Hope you are all doing well. Leave me a comment letting me know you're still out there!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

sunday reflection

Random things heard in church this morning.
I'm posting them here, so I don't forget them. Hopefully, I'll come back to them and think of them often.

He doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called.

It is great, if God is in it.
Little is much, when God is in it.

Being attentive to the words & life of Jesus is absolutely necessary if you hope to get better at reaching out to others.
If we are going to go and DO, then we have to lay our burdens down and sit at the feet of Jesus.

Be ready, because a few moments alone with Jesus and you'll be off on a new adventure.

Choose what is better.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

giveaway: harry connick jr, your songs

** UPDATE: The contest is now closed. **

Who doesn't love a little Harry Connick Jr? That man can sing!

His newest album, Your Songs, is a mix of cover versions that he sings with a full jazz big band and string orchestra.

Here's the track list:

- All The Way
- Just The Way You Are
- Can’t Help Falling In Love With You
- And I Love Her

- (They Long To Be) Close To You
- Besame Mucho (Kiss Me Much)
- The Way You Look Tonight
- First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
- Your Song
- Some Enchanted Evening
- And I Love You So

- Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)
- Smile
- Mona Lisa

Harry's voice is unmistakable. This CD took me straight back to high school (the good part of high school, anyway).

If you'd like a little Harry to enjoy for yourself, leave a comment below letting me know.

For an extra entry, follow me on twitter @punkinmama and tweet about this giveaway. Leave a comment below, with the link to your tweet.

For another entry, subscribe to my blog in an RSS reader, and leave another comment letting me know.

The giveaway will end Friday night, October 23, around 8 pm EST (or whenever I get around to closing comments and picking a winner).

Thanks to One to One Network for providing me with the CD for my listening pleasure, as well as the CD for the giveaway. The above post is based on my own thoughts and is not influenced by the sponsor.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


September 2006




Punkin has turned into a Big Boy overnight. On the morning he turned 3, he refused to even consider wearing a diaper. Unfortunately, the desire to pee on the potty didn't coinside... Buy stock in Pull-ups (you heard it here first) , because I think he'll be living in them forever. They're the only thing he'll allow us to put on him. Somehow, the Pull-up equals big boy underwear in his mind. And he is suddenly afraid of the potty. Given the other things he's accomplished, I think I'm going to have to just let this one go... for now...

Punkin also moved into his new Big Boy Room (another post to come) on his birthday. This included sleeping in a Big Boy Bed for the first time. I'm proud to say that it went very well. I did sing him to sleep (which I actually enjoyed... shhh... don't tell *him* that). The other unbelievable feat is that he didn't even ask for his paci one time. I had dreaded the "no more pacis" and anticipated a few nights of major crying before Punkin would sleep without it. Even though he had been telling me for weeks that turning 3 meant "no more pacis", I really expected some major withdrawals. I don't want to jinx it, but he's gone to bed the first night and taken a nap in his new room without even mentioning the word paci. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that in a few days, he doesn't suddenly bring it up and cry over it. (So, it's now 10:30 and Punkin is still awake... calling out every few minutes... he's not asking for his paci, but he's also not sleeping. How bad is it that I want to just give it to him so he'll fall asleep faster? )

He really is turning into such a big boy. But he'll always be my baby.

Happy Birthday Punkin! I love you more than you'll ever know!

I've added this post to Real Life's "Your Life Your Blog". You can read more great posts there.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

wordless wednesday: camera play

If you haven't tried, you should!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

wordless wednesday: pool time surprise

First day at the pool this summer. Punkin was all smiles.

Weeks later when I finally was reviewing the pictures I'd taken, I came across this picture. I do not remember taking it or Punkin sticking his tongue out, but I thought it was so cute!

Find more Wordless Wednesday posts at 5 Minutes for Mom.
(No, I have no idea why it's "wordless" when everyone adds words.)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

happy father's day

The Hubs is an amazing father. He is so involved with Punkin and takes responsibility for so many things that other husbands just assume that their wives will (or should*) handle. I can't really express how much I appreciate him. I hope he has some idea of the huge help that he is to me. I know I wouldn't be the wife and mother I am without him.

*Don't get me started!

Picture thanks to queenofhaddock at The Ivey League. I won her giveaway for a free mosaic. If you've not visited her site, check it out!

Friday, June 5, 2009

shrink it

Okay, so I've officially joined The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans for their Shrinking Days of Summer Challenge.

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

I am in serious need of motivation, so I'm hoping this challenge, in it's group format, will be just what I need.

One way I hope to be able to shrink is by exercising more at all. I recently got the EA Sports Active for the Wii and have started the 30 Day Challenge. I haven't exercised in so long I almost forgot what it felt like to sweat so much! I've only done two days of the challenge so far, but man, it's kicking my butt! I'm so sore today, it's ridiculous. But it's a good sore.

I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing and how my team (Team Violet) is doing in the challenge.

This post has been included in Real Life's Your Life Your Blog.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

show and tell: messy

This post is my first contribution to Mom's Marble's new "Show and Tell" feature. Go check it out and play along! (Though it may not be 100% what they're going for, I wanted to participate -and encourage you to as well- and hope to do so more in the future.)

As some of you know, Punkin has "issues" with food - especially certain textures. He's also not a fan of trying new things most of the time. Whenever he does try something new, I get super excited. We do our best to get him to try new things/textures, even if it means we're "forcing" him to eat ice cream or other yummy (though nutritionally devoid) items. (We're so mean!)

Here's his first experience with pudding.

Not too sure:

Hmmm... this might not be too bad:

Pudding is awesome (and MESSY):

Having that mess on his face is quite an accomplishment. Though he did demand its removal within .5 seconds of the picture being taken!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I hate:
  • when I yell at Punkin
  • that I feel like sometimes the only way Punkin hears me is if I yell
  • that when I make dinner (which is a rarity) I expect applause and cheers and a parade thrown in my honor
  • when I make dinner (which is a rarity) but it doesn't turn out how I hoped
  • that I'm disorganized and can't seem to hold on to the motivation to do much about it
  • that middle school doesn't feel so far away some days when I wonder if people like me
  • that this list has become self-indulgent and whiny

I love:

  • that I'm married to the most wonderful man in the world
  • that Punkin loves to talk and ask questions (even if it is "why?" every 3 seconds)
  • Punkin's toes. Seriously, they're the only toes I've ever not thought were completely and utterly disgusting
  • that my relationships with my brothers have grown as we've all gotten older
  • that I'm actually looking forward to the day my parents move to the same town as me
  • that I've been blessed by the friendships of great women from my moms group
  • that God is faithful and loves me unconditionally
  • that this list makes the first list seem so small

What about you? What makes your lists?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009


Sunday was a beautiful day! My friend Ems* agreed to walk with me at the March of Dimes March for Babies walk. I had a great time catching up with her. This is a picture of us at the start of the race. Ems is proudly showing off her beads that symbolize that she is walking for her future babies. :)

image courtesy of TheMomExperience

Here we are at the end of the walk**. We made it! I was worried beforehand that I wouldn't succeed, but it was so easy walking with a fun friend.

image courtesy of theotherjackson5

We also met a lot of other cool bloggers (like mooshinindy, designhermomma, theotherjackson5, TheMomExperience, ordinarysarah, karensugarpants, and many others***).

It was a great experience walking for such a great cause. Maddie touched many lives and I hope that the money raised from these walks will help other families not have to go through what Maddie's mom and dad have.

I heard on the news that Indy raised over $125,000 for the March of Dimes! Go Indy!

* Ems said I couldn't link to her blog if I posted a picture of her. Since I posted 2, I figured I really better not. She's convinced these pictures are horrible. I think they're great, so I'm hoping she changes her mind and lets me link! UPDATE: Ems posted a comment so she inadvertantly linked back to her blog, so I went ahead and made it easier by linking above too!

** Okay, so we're also cracking up because we made theotherjackson5 re-do the picture she originally took of us. We were horrified about the # of chins in the picture. Let's just say there were more chins than people... not a good thing! I think this is the longest my neck has ever looked in a picture. Tyra would be so proud.

*** If I met you at the walk but don't have you listed, let me know your blog address, and I'll add you!

UPDATE: karensugarpants kindly sent me this group photo. I think it makes the post more complete.

added to your life, your blog

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

excitement builds

Okay, so I still have no idea if I can really walk 5 miles all at once or not, but I'm getting more and more excited about the upcoming March for Babies walk for the March of Dimes.

1) The weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend. Sunny. And. Warm. I could really use some Sunny. And. Warm. right about now.

2) I got an email from the local coordinator discussing the details of the day. Sounds like they have some great things planned. And the walk ends at a local park, so the Hubs and Punkin will be able to meet me there and Punkin will be able to have some fun while he waits... and waits... and waits... Oh, and also the email mentioned a 4 mile walk... so maybe Punkin won't have to wait quite so long.

3) I am completely overwhelmed and grateful to my many sponsors. I had no idea what to set my fundraising goal at, but I am thrilled to see that I have blown right past it. I can't believe how generous so many have been! And it's for such a great cause!

If you'd like to join this awesome list of sponsors, go here:

4) I am hoping to meet some wonderful ladies whose blogs I follow or who I follow on twitter. It's been amazing to see the internet community band together and support Maddie and her family. We may not all have met Maddie, but she has impacted so many people in so many positive ways. I hope the walk can be another celebration of her much too short life... and will help improve the health of babies everywhere.

Friday, April 10, 2009

marching for maddie

I’ve decided to participate in the March of Dimes “March for Babies” walk on April 26. Yes, that’s only 16 days away (and no I haven’t done any preparation for this).

Why the sudden urge to exercise?

I’m marching for Maddie.

Who’s Maddie?

Read more about her here:

Short summary:
- Maddie was born November 11, 2007, 11 weeks and 1 day premature. After 68 days in the NICU at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital, January 18, 2008, she was finally able to go home with her loving parents, Heather and Mike Spohr. While in the NICU, Maddie’s mom kept regular updates of her site for family and friends. Maddie’s time at the NICU has been chronicled at Heather’s blog.
- Earlier this week, on April 7th, Maddie passed away unexpectedly. She was only 17 months old.

I’m also very grateful to have a healthy, happy son. We’ve had a small share of health issues with Sam, but it pales in comparison to what so many other families go through. I want to help those less fortunate!

The March of Dimes champions the needs of moms and babies in our community and across the nation. The money we raise for March for Babies will help:
- support all-important research offering preventions and solutions for babies born too soon or with birth defects
- educate women on things they can do to increase their chances of having a healthy baby
- provide comfort and information to families with a newborn in intensive care
- push for newborn screening and health insurance for all pregnant women and children

Won't you please help me in this worthy cause? Contributing to my walk online is fast, easy, and secure. You can donate directly from my personal webpage with a credit card or PayPal. If you prefer, I can also accept cash or check. Just click the appropriate box on my webpage.

I appreciate any support you can provide! And if you want to see me gasping for breath only half way through the walk, please join me and walk with me!

Monday, March 23, 2009

daycare FAIL

Dear Daycare Teacher,
If a parent is repeatedly telling another child to not throw toys, you are not doing your job.

Just one of the many reasons I'm excited to start a new venture in Punkin's care.
I work part-time outside of the home, and since Punkin's been about 4 months old, he's been at a daycare fairly close to home. He's had some good experiences - he's learned a lot. But more recently, the Hubs and I have been concerned about some things that were happening (or not happening) at the daycare.

I could make a list, but instead, for now, I'll just focus on what we've decided to do. Today marked Punkin's first day of "in-home care". Another family in our neighborhood (who also used to attend the same daycare and had very similar concerns) approached us about sharing a "nanny"*. Two days a week, Punkin will be with the other two boys and one day a week he'll be by himself with the caregiver. She just happens to be one of his former teachers from the daycare - who has always done a great job - and who we've also used as a sitter on occasion.

Since we live in the same neighborhood, time will be split between both houses - that should help with any one child feeling like they always have to share "my" toys. Today, they started at the other house and walked down to our house after lunch. Hopefully that will help get them some fresh air and exercise and encourage good naps.

Even though I wasn't completely happy with the daycare situation, I was still nervous about whether or not the Hubs and I were making the best decision for Punkin. I have to say that the first day couldn't have gone much better. Punkin ate a Grilled Cheese Sandwich for lunch. Seriously. You have no idea how big that is.**

I feel 100 times better about the decision we've made. Who knew Grilled Cheese could cause such euphoria?

**Punkin has texture issues and food aversions. He's often times literally scared to try new foods. He's not a fan of much that isn't crunchy or breaded (ie. crackers, chicken nuggets). We're working on it. And now so is the "nanny".*

*I need another word for the "nanny". I'm not sure what the right term is, but I don't think "nanny" fits completely. I always think of a nanny as someone who lives in or someone who is in the home the majority of the time... Any suggestions?

This post is included in Your Life, Your Blog at Real Life. Go check it out!

Friday, February 27, 2009

remaining balance

I received a Keurig Coffee Maker for Christmas and I absolutely love it! (No, they're not paying me to say that.) Now that I can easily (and I do mean easily*) make a cup of delicious coffee anytime I want to, I told myself that there is no reason to pay for Starbucks. Of course, occasionally, it's nice to have a special treat... especially when I'm not home and don't have access to my awesome coffee maker.

A friend of mine gave me a gift card to Starbucks for Christmas (score!), so this has been perfect to use when I'm out and about and wanting a fix. This morning, after I paid for my latte and coffee cake, I looked at my receipt and saw my remaining balance on the card is now $1.25.

Anyone know what you can get at Starbucks for $1.25? I didn't think so. My birthday is coming up, so maybe I'll be lucky enough to score some gift cards (hint, hint). Ahem.

* Seriously, making coffee has never been easier. I know it's not hard to make coffee in the first place, but it doesn't get easier than putting in a k-cup, hitting the button, waiting 30 seconds and having a steaming cup ready for your consumption. And the clean-up? Brilliant. No dirty coffee grounds or filters to deal with. Throw away the k-cup and you're done. E.A.S.Y. (Yes, I'm lazy, why do you ask?)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

all boy

So Punkin and I went to the local children's museum this week. It was a blast. We had so much fun together - I seriously couldn't believe just how much fun we had. I mean, I don't even remember yelling or getting upset even one time! Success.

Anyway, as I watched Punkin exploring, it struck me how much "boy" he really is. (Not to say girls don't behave similarly, but to me, all I could keep thinking is, "He's such a boy." Don't get me started on the fact that he growing up way too quickly... that's a whole other post or two.)

Punkin loves to watch how things work. He could have stood and watched the balls go around and around in this for hours. Of course, it didn't hurt that he also got to push the balls up a couple of columns to be re-released into the machine.

Another example of this was over the weekend when we were at a mall with an escalator. Punkin and I went up and down about a hundred times (I wish I was exaggerating). Punkin would occassionaly stop at the bottom and just watch the handrails disappear into the middle. A woman commented on him trying to figure out how it worked. She also complimented me on just letting him explore and watch and not rush him. This was a huge compliment to me!

Here's pictures of Punkin in the construction area. I think he went up the ramp, around, and back down pushing the wheelbarrow for about an hour. He would fill the wheelbarrow with "rocks", walk around, dump them out, walk back down, and start all over again. He was completely satisfied doing this over and over and over.

One quick rest for a couple of books.

And of course... the infamous train table. I don't know any boy who doesn't love to play at a train table. Of course, I thought this would be a goldmine at home providing hours of entertainment (read: quiet play while I have time to blog, etc.)... unfortunately, Punkin is much more entertained by train tables anywhere other than home. When we're home, he'd rather play cars with Mama.

But the ultimate example of Punkin being all boy... well, this wasn't at the museum (thankfully), but the Hubs and I were talking on the couch when Punkin started straining and turning red. I knew what was coming, or at least I thought I did, until when he was done, Punkin looks at us and says, "That was a BIG poopie!"

Ah, boys.

(**Note to self: remember the real camera next time... cell phone pictures don't quite capture all the moments.**)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

there are no words...

Have you seen this website: this is why you're fat?

Wow. I'm at a loss for words...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


"The babies everyone wants to see. The mother everyone wants to hear from." (Ann Curry)

Oh really? Am I the only one not interested? Not. One. Bit. Interested.

Seriously, I'm so tired of this story. Yes, I think it's ridiculous. Yes, I think she's crazy. No, I don't want to hear about it anymore.

I want to write so much more about my annoyance with this, but then I suppose, I'd just be perpetuating it myself, so I won't...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

we are not alone

I received an encouring email this week from a friend through my moms group. She sends out weekly emails to the group leaders and this week's story was so good, I wanted to share it. I knew it could benefit others too. So, with her permission, I'm sharing it here:

When I was in elementary school, our family visited Mammoth Cave. Aside from the pool at the hotel and a horseback ride, I don’t carry many fond memories of the trip.

The decent down into the cave was unsettling, even terrifying for an eight year old. With each step, we found ourselves deeper into the bowels of the cave, complete with stalagmites and bats. (I never saw the bats, but I guarantee you they were there.)

The most traumatic moment came, however, when our guide warned us he was about to kill the lights. In just a moment, he said, we would find ourselves in complete darkness. True to his word, the lights snapped off, and all was black. We weren’t even able to see our hand just inches in front of our faces.

I found myself on the verge of panic, knowing the walls were closing in and the bats were coming for me.

But it was then, in the midst of my horror, that the strong, gentle hand of my dad came out of the darkness and rested on my shoulder. “I’m right here, Julie. It’s okay.”

And it was okay. We didn’t leave the darkness or the cave for what felt like hours, but the strength and comfort which blanketed over me at the assurance of Dad’s presence saw me through.

These days of uncertainty, many of us are finding ourselves in a pit. A pit which may have come suddenly as the lights snapped off, or one which we have been descending into slowly over time. And many of us can’t see a way out.

But just like Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego, even though we are in a pit, we are not in the pit alone.

"So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, securely tied, fell down into the roaring flames. But suddenly, as he was watching, Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and exclaimed to his advisers, 'Didn't we tie up three men and throw them into the furnace?' 'Yes,' they said, 'we did indeed, Your Majesty.' 'Look!' Nebuchadnezzar shouted. 'I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire. They aren't even hurt by the flames! And the fourth looks like a divine being !'" (Daniel 3:23-25)

Oswald Chambers says…
In the midst of the awfulness, a touch comes, and you know it is the right hand of Jesus Christ. The right hand not of restraint nor of correction nor of chastisement, but the right hand of the Everlasting Father. Whenever His hand is laid upon you, it is ineffable peace and comfort, the sense that "underneath are the everlasting arms," full of sustaining and comfort and strength. When once His touch comes, nothing at all can cast you into fear again. His tenderness is ineffably sweet. Do I know Him like that? (My Utmost for His Highest, 5/24)

As we navigate these uncertain times, even finding ourselves in a pit, may we be ever mindful of the unwavering presence of our Father beside us.

I love the message expressed in this story. I hope everyone knows the presence of the One who sustains all life. Thanks, Julie, for letting me share your story.

Friday, January 23, 2009

because i said so

It's true... I've become that mom.

Punkin: I don't want to wear a coat.
Me: You have to - it's cold outside.
P: Why?
M: Because it's winter.
P: Why?
M: Because that's the way the world works.
P: Why?
M: Because God made it that way.
P: Why?
M: Because I said so.

Who knew that was more powerful than God? Only it wasn't, because it's not like the next response wasn't once again, "Why?". But that's when I changed the subject...

So, is it wrong that I think if I start saying, "Because I said so." now while Punkin's 2, that he'll get used to it and start thinking that it's an acceptable response? Yeah, I didn't think so...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

sleep, glorious sleep

So hopefully writing this post won't jinx anything...

We have recently had several nights in a row of Punkin sleeping through the night. Yes, he's over two. Yes, he should have conquered sleeping through the night a long time ago. Actually, there was a time when he did... it's hard to remember though.

Every time we have had a successful few nights, Punkin would get sick or something and then I just had to go in and hold him. Unfortunately, that caused a pattern and soon Punkin was wanting to be held in the middle of the night every night. I was so tired that I didn't put up much of a fight - I figured we'd both get more sleep if I just picked him up and we fell asleep (thankfully our rocker is also a recliner). I've spent so many nights in that recliner, I don't even want to think about it.

Anyway, I know there are a lot of opinions about whether you should let your child cry himself to sleep. I was one who didn't want him to cry "too much" (whatever that means). Over the last couple of weeks, I was trying to pick him up less and just sit in the chair and tell him to sleep in his crib. I tried laying on the floor outside his room and assuring him from there. Nothing worked and I was exhausted. Anyway, to make a long story short, Friday night, the Hubs and I decided that we were not going to go back into Punkin's room until morning (with certain caveats). I have to admit, when Punkin woke up in the middle of the night, I really, really, really wanted to just go in and help him stop crying and help him get back to sleep. But I didn't. And you know, Punkin cried for a lot less time than I thought he would. The next morning, he was all smiles and hugs. He didn't hate me. He wasn't angry. The next few nights the awakenings were for less time.

And then, yup, he got a little cold and his cough came back (the cough is another long story). So, I wasn't sure how it was going to go. He did wake up a few more times in the middle of the night from coughing, but amazingly, he was only awake for about 5 minutes each time - he didn't work himself into a frenzy like he would have before and he was able to put himself back to sleep, even though he wasn't at 100% health. Amazing.

Last night, he didn't cry out at all from the minute he was put in his crib until this morning. I should probably "knock on wood", but I feel like we're finally getting there... I'm sure something else is right around the corner...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

sunday reflection

Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.
Swift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King;
Take my lips, and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.
Filled with messages from Thee.

Take my silver and my gold:
Not a mite would I withhold;
Take my intellect, and use
Ev'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose.
Ev'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will, and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.
It shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself, and I will be,
Ever, only, all for Thee.
Ever, only, all for Thee.

Words: Frances R. Havergal, 1874.

We sang this hymn in church this morning and the words struck me -- I want this to be the song of my heart. May my life be consecrated to Him and may all I do be for His glory.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

where do they come up with these things?

So, Punkin is taking a bath when he decides that the letter "O" needs some time alone. Here's what the Hubs and I hear:

"You go over here in time-out. You are being a bad boy. Don't move."

Ummm... any ideas where he got that from??? (Though I don't really think I've ever said, "You're being a bad boy" in the midst of putting him in time-out.)

Yeah, so apparently, Punkin's quite familiar with time-out. So, does this mean he's too familiar with it? Is there a rule for this? I have no idea, but it seems to be an effective form of discipline to make Punkin stop what he's doing and to calm down for a few minutes. The majority of the time, the simple question, "Do you need a time-out?" causes Punkin to stop, think, and decide no, he doesn't, and do something else. Sometimes, he chooses to keep doing what he's doing and gets put in time-out. Afterwards, he's always apologetic and goes back and corrects the behavior. As long as it's working, I guess I shouldn't question it...

Monday, January 5, 2009

connect the dots

So, in response to my previous post "what does this mean?"...

It's still a guessing game. The Punkin has been through so many allergy tests and I really thought we'd have all the answers after today's visit... turns out we just got more conflicting information...

So, as a recap (of only the most recent tests):
Blood shows allergies to: peanuts, wheat, dairy, eggs
Skin prick test shows allergies to: eggs, corn, mustard seed, cats, but not to peanuts, wheat, or dairy
Skin patch test shows allergies to: peanuts, wheat (small reaction), dairy, corn, turkey(!), green beans, but not eggs

Yeah... anyone care to tell me what we're supposed to do with that information?

In addition to the food allergies, the other complex issue is that Punkin also has eosiniphilic espophagitis (ee). This basically means he has white spots/stripes (eosiniphils) in his esophagus. Normally you should have 0 eosiniphils in an esophagus; his last biopsy showed 60+ per area (anything over 15 is considered having ee). On the plus side, he doesn't have most of the symptoms of ee (vomiting, not thriving, difficulty swallowing, etc.).

The allergist is going to a conference in early March where he'd like to discuss Punkin's case with a few other doctors... that's always encouraging...
Off to send the photo of Punkin's back to the allergist so he has it for his files...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

what does this mean?

We'll find out in the morning...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

it's not about me

A great article on the pressure we put on our kids (and ourselves) to live up to certain expectations. Although Punkin is only 2, it's a good reminder that he is a unique individual and I need to let him be who he is and not push him to be who I want him to be. I know I'll need to come back to this many times in the future to remind myself to let go...

If I'm honest with myself, I know I need to apply this to my own life and be who I am and not let outside pressures/expectations try to force me into the world's ideas of who I should be.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

what goes bump in the night?

... a 2 year old who decides 4 am is the best time to try climbing out of his crib for the first time.

Ugh. Thankfully, he didn't hurt himself. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will have scared himself enough not to try that again. I really don't want to attempt the switch to the "big boy bed" yet. I'm just not ready for that. I know he can sleep in a big boy bed (he sleeps on a cot for naps 3 days a week), but I don't want the struggles that I know will ensue of him staying in his bed/room every night. I already don't get enough sleep as it is...

and so it begins...

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2009...

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